The V-Score App - Ranking Plant-Based Percentages on Menus

By comparing restaurants within a location, the app uses disclosure theory to nudge restaurants towards increasing plant-based offerings and promoting sustainable dining.

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The V Score app is designed to promote plant-based eating by assessing the balance of animal-based versus plant-based products on restaurant menus. The app calculates the percentage of plant-based items on each menu and provides both a percentage score out of 100 and a star rating for the restaurant. Restaurants are then compared against others in the same location based on their V Score, encouraging healthy competition and visibility around plant-based options.

By utilizing disclosure theory, the app nudges restaurants to improve their V Score by increasing plant-based offerings. The star rating system incentivizes progress, pushing restaurants to reach higher levels of sustainability and meet the growing demand for plant-based diets. The V Score app aims to create transparency in food choices and motivate both consumers and restaurants to shift towards more environmentally-friendly dining options.

Psychology Techniques


When the government enforces mandatory disclosure of environmental impact in the form of a label or sticker that must be displayed at the point of sale.

Feedback Loop

A system that measures the environmental impact of an action and displays it with continuous feedback to the actor.

Social Comparison

Comparing an objective measure of one person or entity's environmental score against others or against the group average.

Color Signal

Color systems that signal good or bad performance instantly.