By comparing restaurants within a location, the app uses disclosure theory to nudge restaurants towards increasing plant-based offerings and promoting sustainable dining.
The V Score app is designed to promote plant-based eating by assessing the balance of animal-based versus plant-based products on restaurant menus. The app calculates the percentage of plant-based items on each menu and provides both a percentage score out of 100 and a star rating for the restaurant. Restaurants are then compared against others in the same location based on their V Score, encouraging healthy competition and visibility around plant-based options.
By utilizing disclosure theory, the app nudges restaurants to improve their V Score by increasing plant-based offerings. The star rating system incentivizes progress, pushing restaurants to reach higher levels of sustainability and meet the growing demand for plant-based diets. The V Score app aims to create transparency in food choices and motivate both consumers and restaurants to shift towards more environmentally-friendly dining options.