Detrashed is centered around a character named Slug Zero, a banana slug, the game challenges players to complete behaviors categorized into different rooms of Slug Zero’s house.
Using a "Pac-Man"-style mechanic, the game tracks progress, encourages commitment to real-life actions, and rewards players with badges and ornaments for Slug Zero as they advance.
The game uses a "Pac-Man"-inspired eat-the-dots technique, where players must scour the landscape and complete all behaviors in each room to progress.
Key Features:
- Slug Zero Character:
- Players guide Slug Zero through various rooms in the house, learning and completing zero-waste behaviors in each area.
- Eat-the-Dots Gameplay:
- Players interact with behaviors like Pac-Man, completing all dots (tasks) to move forward in the game.
- Commitment Techniques:
- As players unlock behaviors, they are prompted to commit to completing them in real life, reinforcing accountability and action.
- Progress Tracking and Rewards:
- Progress bars track the user’s advancement through behaviors, with players earning rewards like fruit badges and fun ornaments, such as capes and hats, for Slug Zero.
- Seven-Step User Interaction Process:
- The game follows a structured 7-step process for teaching multiple green actions, a method taught in the Climate Action Design School.