Energy Lollipop Chrome Extension

A Chrome extension that provides real-time data on carbon emissions from the California electricity grid.

Browser Tool
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Energy Lollipop is a Chrome extension that provides real-time data on carbon emissions intuitive color grading and chart, sourced directly from the California Independent System Operator (CAISO).

The color-graded display helps users understand how emissions fluctuate throughout the day, highlighting peak periods during early evenings and heatwaves, encouraging more informed energy use.

The app displays the grid’s carbon emissions in an intuitive and engaging format, using high-granularity color grading and a clear visual circle chart.

The app updates every five minutes, showing the current kilotons of CO2 emissions per hour, allowing users to easily track and respond to changes in the grid’s carbon output throughout the day.

By making this data available as a Chrome extension, users can check the grid’s emissions at any time with a simple click, helping them understand how carbon emissions fluctuate based on electricity demand and power generation sources like solar and gas.

Energy Lollipop highlights peak emission periods, particularly during early evening hours and heatwaves when demand is highest, giving users valuable insights into how their energy consumption aligns with grid emissions.

This real-time data empowers individuals to make informed decisions about their energy usage and adopt more sustainable behaviors by avoiding high-emission periods.

Psychology Techniques

Color Signal

Color systems that signal good or bad performance instantly.

Feedback Loop

A system that measures the environmental impact of an action and displays it with continuous feedback to the actor.

Tracking Progress

A mechanism for tracking progress towards a goal that brings attention to, and rewards progress.