This project uses a gamified approach to encourage the adoption of rooftop solar panels in residential communities. By leveraging a Mapbox-generated map of San Francisco neighborhoods, the design creates a simple, visual, and competitive system that fosters community involvement and solar adoption through game mechanics. Each household, block, and neighborhood contributes to a collective solar progress score, motivating residents to take part in increasing clean energy in their area.
Key Features:
- Interactive Map Visualization:
- A Mapbox-generated map displays several blocks in San Francisco, showing each house as a land parcel.
- Each parcel features an empty circle, which gets a smiling sun icon when solar panels are installed—similar to placing a sticker on a star chart.
- Block-Level Scoring:
- Each block is given a score that reflects the percentage of houses with rooftop solar installed.
- For example, if 3 out of 28 houses have solar, the block receives a score of 11%.
- Blocks compete against each other in a team-versus-team format, encouraging healthy competition.
- Neighborhood Master Score:
- The entire neighborhood is given a collective master score or progress bar, which aggregates solar adoption from all blocks.
- This nested scoring system allows residents to see how their individual solar installation contributes to both block and neighborhood-wide progress.
- Team Competition Dynamic:
- The competitive nature of team sports is mirrored, with blocks representing teams aiming to increase their solar scores and outperform neighboring blocks.
- Motivational and Persuasive Tool:
- Community leaders, influencers, and solar panel sales representatives can use the gamified map to motivate residents to install rooftop solar.
- The visual and competitive elements create a persuasive tool for increasing clean energy adoption.
By incorporating a simple and engaging game design, this platform provides a clear visualization of progress, encourages competition, and makes clean energy adoption a community-driven initiative.