Finance Fuel Widget

It encourages users to switch to electric vehicles, switch to a more efficient vehicle, or simply drive less, by using behavioral techniques like social comparison, disclosure, and group goals, while also showing cumulative emissions from all bank customers.

Browser Tool
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The Finance Fuel Widget displayed in a customer's banking window that integrates with a customer's bank account to track fuel purchases made at gas stations. It calculates the carbon emissions associated with these purchases and displays key data such as the total money spent on fuel, gallons consumed, and corresponding carbon emissions. The widget uses behavioral science techniques to make the information salient and actionable for the customer.

Key Features:

  • Fuel Purchase Tracking:
    • Automatically tracks every purchase made at gas stations and assumes it is for gasoline, providing detailed data on the amount spent, fuel consumed, and carbon emissions generated.
  • Behavioral Science Integration:
    • Uses techniques like social comparison, showing the customer how their fuel-related emissions compare to the average of similar bank customers.
  • Group Carbon Score:
    • Displays the total cumulative carbon emissions from fuel purchases of all the bank’s customers, creating a group goal and encouraging individual contributions to reducing the total score.
  • Call to Action:
    • Encourages customers to reduce their carbon emissions by switching to electric vehicles, potentially taking out an EV loan from the bank.
  • Emissions Benchmarking:
    • Tracks the bank's gasoline-related emissions over time, allowing customers to benchmark their progress and contribute to lowering the overall bank emissions score.

The Finance Fuel Widget motivates users to take action by providing clear, comparative emissions data, with the ultimate goal of transitioning customers toward electric vehicles and reducing gasoline-related carbon emissions.

Psychology Techniques

Community Scale Feedback

Publicly displayed data showing a community's collective environmental impact as a group.

Feedback Loop

A system that measures the environmental impact of an action and displays it with continuous feedback to the actor.

Group Goal

When a group collectively works together towards a shared goal to help maintain persistent motivation.

Social Comparison

Comparing an objective measure of one person or entity's environmental score against others or against the group average.

Tracking Progress

A mechanism for tracking progress towards a goal that brings attention to, and rewards progress.